The Haridasa movement occupies an important place in the spiritual, cultural, and religious history of India. The Haridasas, who were the wandering minstrels of Karnataka as well as enlightened spiritual masters, composed, sang, and taught devotional songs. The devotional songs they composed described devotion to God, provided ethical guidelines for living, and served as social commentary. Haridasa lineage and movement continues today. Key members of this haridAsa lineage are Sripadarayaru, Sri Vyasa theertharu, Sri Vadi rajaru, Sri Purandara dasaru, Sri Kanaka dasaru, Sri Vijaya dasaru, Sri Gopala dasaru, Sri mahipathi dasaru, and Sri Jagannatha dasaru.
This album is dedicated to all the Haridasas that have enriched our lives with literature, music, and an easy to practice devotional path.
Kum.(Ms) Sindhoora Murthy learnt Carnatic music from guru Smt. Usha Char from the age of 5. She performed concerts solo and as part of the group "nAda surabhi" in US and India. This is her first recording. She is also an accomplished Bharata natyam style Indian classical dancer who has performed "Arangetram" or debut performance two years ago. She is 17 years old and will attend Johns Hopkins Unversity from the fall of 2009.
Smt. Usha Char is teaches music in the Washington DC area to many students with great devotion and love. She is an 'A' grade artist in All India Radio, Bangalore. Usha is the Artistic Director of Nadatarangini, a non-profit association dedicated to the propagation of Indian music in USA. She is also the Founder and Director of Nadopasana, School of Indian Classical Music.
CD Cover:

Details of the Songs in the CD:
1. Gajavadana beduve - Hamsadhvani - Adi Sri Purandara dAsaru
2. Ondu bAri smarane salade - poorvi kalyani - Adi - Sri vAdirajaru
3. Paalise ennanu sri mahalakshmi - desh - adi - Sri Purandara dAsaru
4. Smarane onde salade - malaya mArutha - Adi - Sri Purandara dAsaru
5. Innu daya baarade - kalyaaNa vasantha - khanda chapu - Sri Purandara dAsaru
6. Kandena govindana - chandra kouns- adi - Sri Purandara dAsaru
7. Irabeku haridAsara sanga - bahudari - Adi - Sri Purandara dAsaru
8. Yeradu ondagadu - saaveri - mishra chapu - Sri Purandara dAsaru
9. Sharanara surabhoja - Behag - Adi - Sri kamalesha viTTala dAsaru
10. Seepathiyu namage - Nata - Khanda chapu - Sri Purandara dAsaru
CD Title: Haridasa Nada Saurabha
CD Credits:
Flute: M.K. Pranesh Sitar: Sumarani Violin: Charulatha Ramanujam Keyboard: Sangeeth Thomas Tabla: Madhusudhan, Jagadeesh Kurthkoti Mrudangam: B.C. Manjunath Rhythm Pad: G. Pramath Kiran
Recorded at Prabhat Studios Sound Engineer: Chetan
Music Direction: Guru Usha Char
Orchestration: Anoor Anantha Krishna Sharma
Availability of the CDs:
India: Bangalore: Madhava Murthy
Ph: 962-022-7987
Mysore: Narayana Murthy
Ph: 934-211-5700
US: Vasu Murthy
Ph: 301-838-5585
More Information about the album and availability at: